Custom Narrow Fit Dr. Martens 1460 Boots – Narrow Doc Martens

How to get Narrow Doc Martens that Fit for $50 – Even if You Don’t Have Wide Feet

So I’m going to categorize this post under “I Make Stuff” or to clarify further, “I Fix Stuff.” As Vanilla Ice said “You got a problem? Yo, I’ll solve it.”

So I’ve been rockin’ “Docs” since Nirvana was in the charts, yeah when Kurt was still alive. Back in the day when you’d see Chris Cornell, Tom Morello or Eddie Vedder on TV, wearing a ripped flannel in all of their grunge-glory, more likely than not; they were rockin’ Docs. As Tom Morello said “Docs on your feet meant cred on the street.”

How to get Narrow Doc Martens that Fit - Even if You Don’t Have Wide Feet for $50

The Most Famous of all is the Dr. Marten 1460, the 8-eyelet, shit-kickers. They look like a cross between WWII issue clod-stompers and grandpa’s orthopedic specials.  They’re durable, stylish and comfortable. I wear mine at all times. I don’t care if it’s a formal occasion, a casual events or out in the shop, I’ve got a pair ready to go.

So what’s the problem? Dr. Martens are too wide!

The problem is, I’ve got narrow feet and Docs come in one width – “wide as hell.” I would cinch the laces as tight as they go, and I’d still have my feet floppin’ inside those things like the ball in a game of “Pong.” Comfort aside, I had to pull the laces so tight that they looked nerdy as hell too. I’d usually wear pants so baggy that it covered the laces entirely, leaving just the toe exposed.

Dr. Marten 1460 Before:

How to get Narrow Doc Martens that Fit - Even if You Don’t Have Wide Feet for $50How to get Narrow Doc Martens that Fit - Even if You Don’t Have Wide Feet for $50

The Fix. Narrow Dr. Marten 1460 boots.

So I decided I’ve had enough, I bought a new pair that I couldn’t get to break in correctly.

I was left with two options:

1) Pitch ‘em in the trash

2) Take ‘em to the woodshed

I had nothing to lose. So, to the woodshed they went.

I was no leather expert at all, but I do have a tool for pretty much any job, and now I’m adding “Cobbler” to my resume. I started measuring, cutting and punching holes in my beloved Doc Martens. Pretty soon, I had added a full inch of lacing space, making it possible to draw my boots tight without losing any of the cool looks. They fit great and actually support my ankle WAY better. Honestly if I didn’t know any better, I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between these and an original pair.

How to get Narrow Doc Martens that Fit - Even if You Don’t Have Wide Feet for $50

After: Modified Narrow Dr.Martens – Now I can lace ’em tight!

I’ve done several pairs since then and I decided to open my services to the public. If you’ve got narrow feet, and need your Docs narrowed, I’ll hook you up for $50. Just send me an email thorough the info request form and ship me your shoes. I’ll have you kickin’ down doors like a Seattle grunge-god in about a week.

How to get Narrow Doc Martens that Fit - Even if You Don’t Have Wide Feet for $50

After: A well-loved pair of 1460’s modified into Narrow Fit Dr. Martens – Better than ever!